Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekend Recap, CrossFit and Turkey Tacos

Tuesday is wrapping up and I am already looking forward to the upcoming weekend of loooovvveee...heheehehe. Seriously though, where do the weekends go? IFriday, 5:00 arrives and with a blink of an eye it’s Sunday night, waaaaaaaaa (insert crying eyes emoji)!  

How was your weekend? Mine was Fan-freakin-tastic! Friday night I met up with Julie and Paige at Julie’s house to watch the Olympic opening ceremonies. We dined on food from Fresh Fit and Chipotle and then had some yummy dessert that I picked up from Whole Foods. If it’s from Whole Foods it’s still healthy, right? Let’s just say yes! I love hanging out with Julie and Paige. They are so funny. They seriously have the best one liners. It was a fun night watching Putin’s facial expressions and practicing our Russian. Vodka for everyone!

Since I chose not to participate in the Hot Chocolate run, I had the opportunity to sleep in. I rarely get to sleep in on Saturday’s so it was nice to sleep till 9:00. Instead of going for a run I decided to sweat it out at CrossFit. Good decision but geez, Saturday WODs are TOUGH! Here is my WOD:

5 min AMRAP (4 Rounds plus 10 box jumps)
- 10 box jumps
- 10 kettle ball swings (25lbs)
Rest 5 minutes

5 min AMRAP (4 Rounds plus 7 push press)
- 7 push press (60lbs)
- 7 ring rows
Rest 10 minutes

5 min AMRAP (3 Rounds plus 2 burpees)
- 7 thrusters (45lbs)
- 7 burpees

That last AMRAP did me in, burpees can suck it! I always feel like I am going to die but by the time I get home, I feel great, I feel strong and I feel accomplished. I heart CrossFit!

Saturday night I went to the Granada with my friend Courtney to hear Wade Bowen sing about trucks and crazy redheads, swoon! I love Texas Country. Such a good concert!

Last night I made some yummy turkey tacos, gobble gobble! I usually use lean grass-fed beef but I changed it up with turkey, crazy right?!? They turned out really good. I don’t use store bought taco seasoning. They typically have too much sodium and fillers, in my humble opinion. I just use my own seasoning of chili powder, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, red peppers and oregano. Add a little bit of guacamole on a corn tortilla and you have one tasty taco. Looking forward to the left overs!

Here is to hoping the week goes by fast friends!!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Book Challenge

My book challenge is off to a great start! I finished my two books for January, yay! Divergent and Insurgent were SO good!! The movie version of Divergent comes out March 21 and I am going to geek out for a minute and yell…..YAYYYYYYYYY!!! I seriously can’t wait.

February is here which means two more books!

First up is, Allegiant which is the last book in the Divergent trilogy. So far this book is a little different than the first two, still really good but not as griping as the first two. I felt this same way when I read the last book in the Hunger Games. I am only on chapter 16 so I am holding out hope that it will pick up a bit more.

My second book is the Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. The book is set in 1939, Nazi Germany. It’s about a young foster girl, Liesel Meminger who is essentially a book thief. Her foster father shows her the power of words as he teaches her to read. She shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bomb raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement. Eekkkk! Sounds so good! I love all things history so I am excited to start this book!

22 more books to go….

What are you reading this month?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Garlic Parmesan Chicken

I am in LOVE with this dish! It’s quick, easy, healthy and so very yummy! If you are short on time or just don’t want to spend your evening in the kitchen cooking, this is the perfect dish for you.


·         4 8-oz boneless chicken breasts
·         ½ cup parmesan cheese, grated
·         1 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt
·         1 tsp. garlic powder
·         1 ½ tsp. seasoned salt
·         ½ tsp. pepper


1.       Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking dish with nonstick cooking spray and arrange the chicken breasts in the dish.
2.       Mix the rest of the ingredients together in a separate bowl and spread over the chicken breast.
3.       Bake for 45 minutes.

I usually cut my chicken breasts (butterfly) to make them into 4 ounce serving sizes.  For each 4 ounce portion of chicken: 161 calories, 4-5 g fat, 1.1 g carbohydrate, 28.75 g protein.  Not too shabby!

I threw this together Monday evening with some green beans and a honey crisp apple.  Great dinner after a tough CrossFit workout! I also used, “Slap Ya Mama” Cajun seasoning instead of plain seasoned salt. I wanted a little kick and I definitely got it! BAM!

I found this recipe on either Pinterest or FaceBook, it originally was created by Heidi Powell http://heidipowell.net/. Check out her blog and other amazing recipes.



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Too Cold to Hold 5M

Well this race definitely lived up to its name, too cold to hold! It definitely was too cold, brrr! It was a frigid 32 degrees Sunday morning. Have I mentioned that I am a summer girl? Ugh, winter…please, I beg you….go away!

After layering myself in long sleeves and fleece I headed over to Jill and Bryan’s house. Together we drove over to Norbuck Park to face the 5 miles of cold. We are troopers and keep in mind, there was free beer afterwards. The things we do for free beer!

You had a choice to run either a 5k, 5 miles or 10 miles. We chose the 5 mile run. After yesterday’s 5 miler, I was really glad we didn’t choose the 10 mile run, whew!  Shortly after we started we came to a point where the 5k runners turned off and the 5 and 10 mile runners went straight. For a hot second I wished I had chosen the 5k and then I looked at the massive hill they had to run up and thought, thank goodness that is not me. Dodged a bullet on that one or so I thought! Jill and I both gave a look of sweet relief!

I started off fast and honestly I felt pretty good despite the snot running down my nose and the loss of feeling in my hands. Approaching mile two I see the dreaded hill/mountain! Thankfully Jill helped me up an over the hill. It was brutal!

Jill is a faster runner than I am so she was always in front of me but would slow down some so I could catch up with her. She really pulled me through this race just like she does at CrossFit. She is always so encouraging.

I met Jill and Bryan at CrossFit. Jill is like my CrossFit superhero. She is always showing me how to improve my form and she is always encouraging me to believe I can do so much more than I think I can. She sees my strength and pushes me. I am so thankful for her.  All my friends at East Dallas CrossFit are like Jill which is why I love it there so much. I heart EDCF! 

I crossed the finished line at 58:48, a little slower than Saturday but that’s alright. It was still under an hour. This turtle is happy. Oh and we got a super cool medal!! I love getting medals!! 

After the race we visited all the vendors to grab some freebies and to make our way to the beer line. By this time the temps had dropped and the rain was slowly starting to begin so we drank our beer and headed out for some….wait for it…. tacos!!

We went to Good 2 Go Tacos off Peavy and Garland and boy are they GOOD!!  This place has some super yummy tacos and they don’t overcook their eggs which I like! They also have some fancy tacos for you fancy people. Me, I just stick with my favorite. I was full and happy!

I really enjoyed chowing down on some tacos and really getting to know Jill and Bryan some more. They are good people! All in all it was a good race, good company and good tacos!

Thank you ugly beanie for keeping my head warm! Post race pic!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Hello February!

It’s the month of love and all things heart shaped; it’s also the month that most single women get together over dinner and drinks bemoaning men, love and the one that got away. Me personally, I would rather go to Home Depot, buy myself a shovel, and spend the evening digging myself a cat lady grave. R.I.P. Love. I shall celebrate Valentine’s Day with a BIG bottle of wine, a facial and some much needed beauty rest. I have to look great for that day when Mr. Perfect sinks his schooner and I have to save him from drowning!

February for me, means more races!! Can I get a….. what what?!?!?

What’s on schedule you ask?

February 1 – DRC Best of Time 5M
February 2 – Too Cold to Hold 5M
February 15 – Heart & Sole 5k
February 23 – Cowtown Half Marathon

Someone is a little late in posting. The first two races are already complete but there is more fun to be had! This month is the big half marathon, scary 13.1 miles ahead…eeekkkk! I am traveling to a faraway land called Fort Worth to participate in the Cowtown Half. This will be my first half this year and my 4th half overall. Bring it!

I decided not to participate in the Hot Chocolate 15k this coming weekend. I went to check on my participation and noticed I hadn’t registered, oops! The cost of the 15k is $67, ouch! The 5k is $47, um no thank you. I am trying to register as early as I can for most of these races to keep the cost down. Some of these races can be expensive and 39 races will add up quickly if you’re not smart, I be smart! Last minute registration means mucho dinero. Bet y’all didn’t know I could speak Spanish so fluently, surprise!

I think this weekend I will take advantage of a casual run and some CrossFit WODs.

!hasta luego

Best of Times 5M

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, and it was the age of foolishness…”  It was a great race, not the best time; I am wiser and always foolish!  ;-)

Saturday, DRC hosted the Best of Times 5M run. You basically were competing with others in your age group, whoever got the best time, got the prize. I did not get the prize, boo! There were a lot of people in my age category so unless I was running alone or with the 90+ age group, I wasn’t going to win but I am not there to win. I am there to run the best that I can and finish strong like the boss that I am, bam!

We started at Winfrey Point and headed out around the lake 2.5 miles before turning to make our way back to the finish line. The weather was pretty decent. It was a bit overcast and cool to start off but the sun slowly made its way out to brighten and warm things up.  Overall it was a good race. 

I didn’t stay around to chit chat afterwards, I was starving and exhausted. Allergies were not my friend this week so I took advantage of some downtime. I left the lake and headed to one of my favorite spots for breakfast tacos, Green Spot. The Green Spot is a healthy convenience store and gas station. They offer healthy, organic, natural food and beverages. They also have a cafĂ© that serves up some of the best tacos ever, they have other stuff but who wants that when you can have a bacon, egg and cheese taco? The Green Spot only use meats and cage-free eggs from animals that have been humanely treated and without the use of antibiotic or growth hormones, nitrites and nitrates. They also don’t use any products with preservatives or hydrogenated oils. So basically, you get some healthy food up in there, nom nom nom! The tacos are to die for and cheap, pretty good combo if you ask me! 

After enjoying my delicious tacos, I showered and took a super long nap. I am not one to nap but my body was telling me to nap. I snuggled up with my pups and we all had a nice long snooze fest and I didn’t hate it! I needed the rest and recovery; Sunday was going to come quickly which meant another 5 mile race. The challenge continues!

My official time was 53:47, about an 11:00 minute mile. Turtle in peanut butter!
